3rd party Email Service Provider and smtp.pt.lu

To be compliant with most recent email security standards you will no longer be able to send email using a 3rd party Email Service Provider sender address (i.e. gmail.com / hotmail.fr / gmx.de) via the POST Luxembourg SMTP server smtp.pt.lu as of the XX.03.2022.

Q. Why have I been referred to this page?
A. Your email address was detected as sending email from our SMTP server smtp.pt.lu .

Q. What should I do?
A. Please check the configuration of the computer(s)/device(s) that you use to send out email. Please refer to your providers support pages for the correct information, some common ones are provided below.

Q. I am pt.lu email user, does this affect my pt.lu account?
A. No, this should not affect your pt.lu email, however if you are using the same email client for both pt.lu and a 3rd party service, there may be a misconfiguration with the outgoing SMTP configuration of the 3rd party service.
You can also take the time to review your pt.lu email configuration and check that it matches our current recommendations, found here. If your configuration is not using authentication and encryption, you will be contacted soon to apply the necessary modifications.

Some Common 3rd Party Email Service Provider’s support pages: